I have done a ton of stuff in my studio room...Pictures will be posted when I'm completely finished and everything is prettied up...I might even dust!
Last weekend I did some more Kool Aid dyeing...I really like dyeing...A lot...*huge grin* And the pots bubbling on the stove fill the whole house with the 'delicious' scent of boiled fruit punch (???) so what more could a girl ask for? HA!
I redid some of the original experimental dyeing...Overdyed the !ORANGE! skein and now it is a lovely orange-red color, which I quite like...
If you squint, it almost looks tonal, like I did it on purpose or something...
I also did the purple one over again, to darken it and take out some of the errors I made when I tied the skein too tight and the dye didn't take under the string...
And I did another skein with some Black Cherry flavor, which made a nice red as well...
I'll probably end up using the yarn for hats for Afghans for Afghans, since the amounts of each color are quite small...Now I'm going to have to hide my credit card in the freezer until after I get some bills paid, lest I lose it and buy that way cool sampler dye pack from Dharma Trading Co. and a metric ton of blanks...
I've just finished a new iPod cozy for my BFF Fred...
His old coat was starting to look pretty nasty...(That's Sticks & String by the way, in case you're wondering...)
And I had a pleasant surprise as well...I had been working away on the whole Babette deal, assuming it would take me the rest of my natural life to complete all 4 billion squares (especially those stupid little 2 round ones!) but when I decided to lay out what I had so far, I realized that I must be just about done by now...Since I'm doing it without a pattern, I fully expect that when joining time comes I will have a few more to do to fill in some gaps, but it seems like I have very close to enough...I was a Good Girl this time, and did my best to work over as many ends as I could, and also took a couple of evenings to just weave in ends, but since I spent a good part of the weekend in a 2 Round Square Frenzy, I have a ton (a ton!) of weaving in to do...*scowls*
The Supersekrit Project is just about complete...There will be pictures, there will be coolness, hopefully there will be no arrests...I'll let you know when it's Mission Accomplished...
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