Thursday, June 14, 2007


Saving Traditional Fair Isle

Here are some new pics from the Afghans for Afghans project...They've asked that these photos not be reproduced elsewhere...My favorite is the lady with the baby in the brand new sweater (it's the 8th one)

Not too sure about this whole Jelly Yarn thing, though they seem to be promoting the hell out of it...I'd like to see some up close and personal, though I just keep thinking of that plastic lanyard-type stuff in the kid's crafts section at Michaels...*grin*

Spinning Ezine
I am not learning to spin...I will not learn to spin...I know, this looks really, really cool, but I have enough WIPs lurking around and cluttering up the place...I am not learning to spin...I do not want to learn to spin...(If I keep saying it, that makes it true...)

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