Thursday, June 21, 2007

Book Review

I recently got my grubby paws on a copy of Dominitrix...

First off, great book...No, seriously, great book...

Just about every knitting book there is starts off with a techniques section, which I usually just skip, unless I run into a specific problem with a pattern I'm working from that book...But I read through the whole section this time, and I quite liked the way it was put together...For a noob knitter without the patience to go through some of the boring how-to's I've seen in other books, this rocked...That said, I was very confused at one of the omissions from this section...I keep telling myself maybe I just missed it, and have gone back 2 or 3 times (it is entirely possible I am having a huge Brain Fart) but I can't find any info on weaving in ends??? This is a huge knitting bete noir for me, and as I read "Let's Skip The Pleasantries", I kept thinking how great the how-to's were, clear and concise, and that finally, Jennifer Stafford was going to be able to make me understand how to complete a perfectly woven in garment...Oh, well...

The patterns are fabu...

Valentine Candy pillows...

A Devil Hat...

The Winged Heart Bralet (too bad my boobs are too huge for this one--I love it!)...

The Diva Halter...

(All pics shown here are from the Domiknitrix book by Jennifer Stafford, copyrighted, etc. etc. I take no credit for these, they are for illustrative purposes only, to show how freakin' cool her work is...)

Also worth checking out is the Domiknitrix website...She's got a couple of patterns there she refers to in the book (don't know why they weren't included) that are free to those who purchased the book, and several charts that are way cool..

Bruce Lee!

(Aside...I was checking out Flickr to see if I could find some pics of the patterns I particularly liked, and found this cool afghan made by oh no trendy...)

The black vinyl cover will probably scare your granny, but it gets four out of five, I reckon...

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